theory Steps to creating an NFA from a regular expression

how to convert regular expression to nfa

This is one of the demo files in RegEx, over on GitHub, up to change in notation. If you run the program on it, you’ll get the original 4×4 system, with the 16 linear coefficients and 4 affine coefficients. Note that now that the algorithm is written, this is a lot like the transitive closure method.

How to convert finite automata to regular expressions?

  1. Here I will describe the one usually taught in school which is very visual.
  2. Converting regular expressions into (minimal) NFA that accept the same language is easy with standard algorithms, e.g.
  3. However, writing the algorithm is not such a good idea.
  4. Epsilon transitions allow the machine to transition without consuming a character.

It will help GATE-CSIT aspirants and CS undergrad also. If you understand this Concept try finding RE for Even 0’s and Odd 1’s, very tricky question I’ll be posting an article about it too. This, and the fact that this is modifying languages more dynamically than the first method make it more error-prone when programming.

Formal Languages and Automata

The states are goto-labels, the embedded state-labels are “goto’s”, the stars are loops, the “+”‘s are branches, either deterministic, if “guarded” or non-deterministic. The sub-expressions are $AA, AB, ⋯, DC, DD$, as well as $Ya, Yb, Yc, Yd$. If you want to see what the whole thing looks like, without the factoring out of the shared sub-expressions, in-line substitute everything, from top on down. We will use the same example as in Raphael’s answer.

how to convert regular expression to nfa


You should not remove final or initial states lightly, otherwise you will miss parts of the language. Step 1 Construct an NFA with Null moves from the given regular expression. Can anyone clear up how to ‘describe each step clearly’?

To convert an NFA to a regular expression, we first think of the NFA as a generalized NFA. We then transform it so that it has a single final state by adding epsilon transitions (we can do this, because ε is a regular expression). To convert a regular expression r to an NFA, we induct on the structure of r. For each kind of regular expressions, we build a machine that recognizes the same language as the expression. To make the construction easier, we produce machines that have only a single accept state. We have seen how to construct DFAs, NFAs, ε-NFAS and regular expressions for various problems so far.

I do not recommend implementing the algorithm, but using the method to do that by hand is a good idea. By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service and acknowledge you have read our privacy policy.

The other direction seems to be more tedious, though, and sometimes the resulting expressions are messy. Now, we will show the equivalence of regular expression and DFA/NFA/ε-NFA by converting regular expression to its equivalent NFA. And we can see that the strings generated by the language defined a regular expression are exactly the strings accepted its equivalent NFA.

The idea is to consider regular expressions on edges and then removing intermediate states while keeping the edges labels consistent. The nicest method I have seen is one that expresses the automaton as equation system of (regular) languages which can be solved. It is in particular nice as it seems to yield more concise expressions than other methods.

DFA, NFA, ε-NFA and regular expressions how to use nicehash to earn bitcoin are equivalent in power in describing regular languages. An ε-NFA is like an NFA, except that we are allowed to include “epsilon transitions”. In a normal NFA or DFA, every character in the string causes a single transition in the machine, and each transition in the machine “consumes” one character. Epsilon transitions allow the machine to transition without consuming a character. The main pattern can be seen in the following to figures. The first has labels between $p,q,r$ that are regular expressions $e,f,g,h,i$ and we want to remove $q$.

In NDFA, for a particular input symbol, the machine can move to any combination of the states in the machine. In other words, the exact state to which the machine moves cannot be determined. As it has finite number of states, the machine is called Non-deterministic Finite Machine or Non-deterministic Finite Automaton. Arden’s Method is not capable of converting Ɛ-NFA. By state elimination method you can conveniently and quickly find RE without writing anything just by imagination.

You need heuristics to optimize the algebraic systems and expressions … So, I’ve been sorta sitting on this (RegEx is from the mid 1990’s, originally posted in the comp.compilers archives), waiting for AI to come around. Here is the first step (note that a self loop with a label $a$ would have transformed the first $ε$ into $(ε+a)$. There are a lot of cases in this algorithm, for example for choosing which node we should remove, the number of final states at the end, the fact that a final state can be initial, too etc. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. If you reached this far thanks for reading this article this method helps you in finding RE quickly.

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It just seems like a set of basic rules rather than an algorithm with steps to follow. If you want to try your hand at AI, this is a good case to work on it with. One application (of many) is control-flow-structure synthesis, because that’s what this really is, in disguise.

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